About Roofers

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7 Signs To Know You’re Choosing A Fantastic Roofing Company

Everybody has advice on picking a contractor for your home’s most valuable feature, the roof. Why is the roof the most valuable part of your home? Every other part of your home is beneath it! A weak or leaky roof leads to ruined furnishings, unhealthy family members and pets, and expensive repairs. Here are 7 [...]

2022-10-04T12:03:33-04:00By |About Roofers|

Should My Old Roof Be Removed Before Installing A New One?

Samuel F.B. Morse invented the telegraph in 1835. We mention that historical tidbit because we will use the word “telegraph” to discuss ways your old roof can ruin your new roof. When we talk about telegraphing, we are not referring to Morse’s clickety-clack device. When you ask, “Can you put a new roof over an [...]

2022-03-10T18:52:07-05:00By |About Roofers|

How To Understand How Your Roof Warranty Works

A new roof brings with it a new roofing warranty. How does it work? You scratch your head and ask, “How does my roof warranty work? Is it valuable?” You are unlikely to wring answers from the tiny legalese you see. Your nearby residential roofer can help.  […]

2022-02-07T11:40:09-05:00By |About Roofers|

6 Things To Expect From The Best Local Roofing Contractor

The word “best” is entirely subjective, which is why it appears in so much advertising. Any business can claim to be “the best” without having to legally prove the claim. So how do you know you are working with a superior local roofing contractor? Consider these six facets when deciding what to expect from a [...]

2021-10-04T16:40:55-04:00By |About Roofers|

3 Steps Your Roofer Takes To Safely Work On Your Roof

Let’s start with the most important note: never, ever climb up onto your Michigan home’s roof. Roofs are dangerous places. So stay off the roof and call the professionals — us! Watch us apply these three essential safety steps in everything we do.  […]

2021-10-04T16:09:56-04:00By |About Roofers|

14 Questions To Ask Your Roofer Before Signed On The Dotted Line

Federal law allows just about everyone signing a contract to cancel it within 72 hours of signing. This “cooling off” period is also called the “right of rescission.” Wouldn’t life be better, though, if you could do all your second-guessing first? Here’s what to ask a roofer before signing a contract.  […]

2022-12-09T17:29:15-05:00By |About Roofers|

6 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Roofing Contractor

Many nouns related to roofing contractors end in y; ability, honesty, quality all spring to mind. Roof problems? Same thing: hesitancy, worry, delay. If you are thinking of tackling roof problems yourself, we politely suggest two more nouns: futility and injury. Here are six reasons to hire a nearby, trustworthy roofing contractor rather than hiring [...]

2022-12-09T17:36:39-05:00By |About Roofers|

How To Know What Makes An Excellent Roofing Contractor

Comedians and roofers both know the Rule of Three. The comedians’ Rule of Three is to say two things and then toss in the joke: “Can I get you anything? Cup of coffee? Doughnut? Cyanide?” For roofers, the Rule of Three encourages clients to interview three roofers before contracting a roofing job. This step alone [...]

2021-07-13T15:17:19-04:00By |About Roofers|

Why Trust is Most Important in Hiring a Roofer

What matters more: trust, or low price? What matters more: trust, or reputation? Everything stems from trust. Families bond together through trust. Companies stay in business because of trust. When hiring a roofer — a contractor who will be responsible for the part of your home that protects everything you own — you have to [...]

2021-07-13T15:20:23-04:00By |About Roofers|