There it is — that ugly brown stain on your living room ceiling. You suspected a roof leak, and now that stain confirms it. Your roof is leaking — what to do next? 

1. Scout the Enemy

If the enemy of your home’s peace and quiet is a leaky roof, you need information about that enemy, fast. Gather any documents you have about your home’s roof:

  • Determine its age
  • Is a manufacturer’s warranty still in effect?
  • Identify past repairs

Never climb onto your roof to check its health. Instead, observe as much as you can from the ground and from inside your attic. Outside, look for missing or damaged shingles, displaced flashing, or rotted fascia boards. Look for signs of water leaks in the attic, such as wet insulation, wood rot, and mold.

A shingle roof does not usually last more than 20 years, even with conscientious upkeep. Complete roof replacement is probably in order if your Michigan home’s shingle roof is past its teenage years. For a younger shingle roof, you may be able to get away with a partial roof replacement (replacing one side of a roof, for example). 

2. Assemble the Troops

Contact your nearby residential roofer to have a professional contractor confirm your findings. Listen carefully to the options your roofer presents, since partial replacement may be a less expensive alternative to total roof replacement. 

Expect a written estimate and a Scope of Work for the repair project. Work with your roofer to select a suitable new shingle for the repaired area, or start from scratch with a new look for a full roof replacement. Look for a roofer offering a leak-free guarantee

3. Seize the Day

Your roofer will work around your schedule and the weather, so be flexible about the particular day for roof replacement and leak remedies. Generally, full roof replacement is a one- to two-day job, and partial replacement can be done in one long day. 

Schedule the roof work when you can be home, to monitor progress and answer any questions. Worried about financing? With every roof leak, your home is at risk, so do not delay the roof work because of budget concerns — many financing solutions are available.

Contact us today at Victors Roofing if you own a home in southeast Michigan. Let us put our expertise to work for you to solve all of your roofing concerns, from roof leaks to complete roof replacement.