Attic Insulation

Home/Attic Insulation

3 Cool Factoids about Attic Insulation That Save You Money

When you get those high energy bills in your mailbox or email, you may first blame and fret over thermostat settings. Fiddling with your thermostat and laying down the law on temperature settings is really just a band-aid — and an uncomfortable one, too. The real heart of the matter and your high energy bills [...]

2021-08-18T16:21:55-04:00By |Attic Insulation|

What Your Contractor Should Understand about Attic Insulation

Revamping your attic insulation is not only an excellent way to increase your home’s energy efficiency and your family’s comfort, but it can prolong the life of your roof too. Once you decide it’s time to invest in re-insulating, it’s vital to hire a contractor who’s knowledgeable about attic insulation and how to install it [...]

2021-08-18T16:23:35-04:00By |Attic Insulation|

What Does a Home Attic Insulation Evaluation Check?

Insulating your attic plays a key role in the performance and lifespan of your home’s roof, and how much you spend on heating and cooling. Having your existing attic insulation evaluated by a professional roofer is the best way to learn whether you have enough if it’s installed correctly and if there are any related [...]

2021-08-19T13:16:51-04:00By |Attic Insulation|

New Year, Better House – Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Your home is your biggest investment, which is why you should consider making the new year one in which you focus more on those home improvement or maintenance projects you may have been putting off. For Southeast Michigan residents it’s vital to consider attic insulation, considering the frigid temperatures we often experience. Why should you [...]

2021-08-19T13:17:48-04:00By |Attic Insulation|

How Attic Insulation Extends the Life of Your Roof

The energy-saving benefits of having a well-insulated attic are common knowledge today, but did you know that sufficient attic insulation can also help extend the life of your roof? Learning what happens when the attic isn’t insulated can help you understand how having adequate insulation can protect and preserve your roof and the structural components [...]

2021-08-19T13:21:51-04:00By |Attic Insulation|

Is Your Attic Insulation Doing Its Job?

Is your attic insulation the right R-value and the right quantity for Michigan’s dramatic summer and winter temperature fluctuations? Improper attic insulation contributes to unwanted, seasonal heat gain and loss – not to mention energy waste. This is why a solid roof and adequate insulation are keys to whole-home comfort. […]

2021-08-19T13:25:55-04:00By |Attic Insulation|

Why Insulation Makes a Difference for Michigan Homes

Michigan homes are subject to extreme cold in the winter and plenty of hot and humid conditions in the summer. Although it may seem obvious, there are many homeowners throughout the Midwest that do not consider the heat loss that their homes may be sustaining during winter months. […]

2021-08-23T12:51:07-04:00By |Attic Insulation|